She got the "Guitar off Joe�s Back!"
Hisako Matsumoto was the first person on the �Let Rock Rule� tour to personally acquire Joe�s Les Paul on stage in Mansfield Mass on July 16th. Hisako met with Joe in a private meet and greet in his dressing room before the show and was escorted side stage to accept the guitar at the end of �Walk this Way�, where she got the guitar signed personally to her by Joe. Check out what Hisako had to say about the meeting.
I'd like to express my sincere appreciation that Joe gave me such an exclusive privilege to hand me his guitar from Walk This Way!! I >still cannot believe I was there, but his guitar at my home shows me that I shared the priceless moment. Thank you so much, Joe!!!
- Hisako Matsumoto
Tokyo, Japan
There are still shows left on the tour to get into the action. Go to guitaroffmyback.joeperry.com and join this once in a lifetime experience.